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Fully compliant with requirements


It is a common knowledge that most airlines get their main income from passange transportation business and only 3-5 percent comes from all cargo, and less than 0,5 percent out of post. And airlines spread thier efforts respectively. 


Competition in postal market makes designated postal operators (DPO) to elaborate new and complex products for its customers. As a result DPO have complicated approach towards airmail transportation purchase. 


AirMail understands DPO needs and requirements and is ready to go through difficulties in order to provide DPO with stable solutions of thier requrements.

Cumulative proposal


AirMail is ready to propose dozens of airlines in one contract. 


Airlines on routes with rather small volumes wil not even take part in tendering procedures. AirMail acts as their representatives. 


AirMail has a set of carriers with direct routes in one proposal to your DPO. 



Cost effective solutions 


AirMail proposes client designated postal operators (DPO) cost effective soluitons which can minimaze DPO airmail transportation budgets with set quality of service. 


AirMail has better conditions with some discount rates from our partner airlines, as AirMail has complex relations with airlines concerning financial issues together with the fact, that AirMail proposes airlines volumes from a set of our client DPOs.


Difficult destinations


As a rule, airlines focus on its products. And as result, airlines propose to designated postal operators (DPO) only routes, where airlines have thier own flights


AirMail focuses on routes, where client DPO wants to send mail.


In order to satisfy DPO requirements, AirMail is elaborating complex offers with set quality of service and participation of different carriers. 


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